As an extract from the researched prices for 3-Bromo-6-chloroaniline there are currently shown 48 prices in the last 7 years for CAS equal products. This small overview is intended to serve as a guide and trend. Prices are in USD and range in year 2018 from USD 188.00 for 25 g to USD 14.00 per 10 g in 2024 .
These prices are independent, long-term market observations and do not claim to be valid for the present or future with regard to inquiries. However, they do provide guidance.
The prices do not include additional costs such as taxes, transport costs and more.
These are first determined by the place of delivery and the quantity.
Referenced last detected Prices
Last price review [2024-04-25]
Global 3-Bromo-6-chloroaniline Suppliers :
P.R.China (2) Switzerland (1)