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BGC > Product Search > Chitosan | 9012-76-4
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Suppliers for CAS




CAS   9012-76-4 
Formula   (C6H11NO4)n 


48 Registered suppliers

Simagchem Corporation P.R.China
Aecochem Corp. P.R.China
Sancai Industry Co.,Ltd. P.R.China
Hangzhou Keying Chem Co., Ltd. P.R.China
Appearance   Light to white powder
Moisture   8.0% max.
Ash   1.0% max.
DAC degree   85%-95%
Bulk density   0.27mg/ml min.
Particle size   95% min. through 80 mesh
As   1mg/kg max.
Pb   1mg/kg max.
Hg   0.5mg/kg max.
Total plate count   1000cfu/g max.
Yeast & Mold Count   1000cfu/g max.
Salmonella   Negative
E.coli   Negative

H&Z Industry Co.,Ltd P.R.China
Appearance   Light to white powder
Moisture   8.0% max.
Ash   1.0% max.
DAC degree   85%-95%
Bulk density   0.27mg/ml min.
Particle size   95% min. through 80 mesh
As   1mg/kg max.
Pb   1mg/kg max.
Hg   0.5mg/kg max.
Total plate count   1000cfu/g max.
Yeast & Mold Count   1000cfu/g max.
Salmonella   Negative
E.coli   Negative

Xingrui Industry Co., Limited P.R.China
Appearance   Light to white powder
Moisture   8.0% max.
Ash   1.0% max.
DAC degree   85%-95%
Bulk density   0.27mg/ml min.
Particle size   95% min. through 80 mesh
As   1mg/kg max.
Pb   1mg/kg max.
Hg   0.5mg/kg max.
Total plate count   1000cfu/g max.
Yeast & Mold Count   1000cfu/g max.
Salmonella   Negative
E.coli   Negative

Hangzhou Meite Industry Co., Ltd (Hangzhou Meite Chemical Co., Ltd) P.R.China
Appearance   Light to white powder
Moisture   8.0% max.
Ash   1.0% max.
DAC degree   85%-95%
Bulk density   0.27mg/ml min.
Particle size   95% min. through 80 mesh
As   1mg/kg max.
Pb   1mg/kg max.
Hg   0.5mg/kg max.
Total plate count   1000cfu/g max.
Yeast & Mold Count   1000cfu/g max.
Salmonella   Negative
E.coli   Negative

Leap Chem Co., Ltd P.R.China
Kraeber & Co GmbH Germany
Kingreat Chemistry Company Limited P.R.China
Chitosan is available: from marine origin, carapace skin of crustaceans and also vegan.

Chitosan marin origin is modified from Chitin by the elimination of the N-Acetyl groups. The flexibility and versatility of Chitosan makes it to one of the premier biopolymers today, especially in skin and hair products. The molecular structure allows various modifications, such as water soluble and cross-linked derivatives.

Characteristics and benefits:
- natural, non-toxic
- biodegradable trough naturally occurring enzymes
- bacteriostatic, fungi static, deodorising
- film and fibre forming, cross-linking
- immobilisation of living organism
- anti-inflammatory, wound healing
- moisture-retaining, bio-adhesive
- bonding ability to proteins, heavy metals and aerosols
- polycationic, high charge density
- controlled release of active agents

from fungal origin
Chitosan fungal origin is Chitosan in the amino form, is linear polysaccharide composed of 2 repeating units randomly distributed along the polymer chain and linked by a or b(1-> 4) bonds: D-glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GLcNAc) units. Obtained by deacetylation (hydrolysis of N-acetyl groups) of chitin, it is built on a unique technological platform based on renewable fungal resources. The manufacturing process enables production of a range of extremely pure biopolymers.

Source and Process: naturally-sourced Chitosan, renewable, inexhaustible, traceable and constant quality source patented Technology, non-GMO, produced according to ISO and HACCP guidelines

Characteristics and benefits:
biodegradable, non-toxic, non-ecotoxic, non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic, non-allergenic

Chitosan fungal origin is a natural compound that can be used to enhance a variety of cosmetic products:
Suitable for natural cosmetic lines, odorless, pure, traceable of high and constant Quality, hypoallergenic

Properties: film forming, antimicrobial efficacy, moisturising, hair styling
KHBoddin GmbH Germany
Chitosan is available: from marine origin, carapace skin of crustaceans and also vegan.

Chitosan marin origin is modified from Chitin by the elimination of the N-Acetyl groups. The flexibility and versatility of Chitosan makes it to one of the premier biopolymers today, especially in skin and hair products. The molecular structure allows various modifications, such as water soluble and cross-linked derivatives.

Characteristics and benefits:
- natural, non-toxic
- biodegradable trough naturally occurring enzymes
- bacteriostatic, fungi static, deodorising
- film and fibre forming, cross-linking
- immobilisation of living organism
- anti-inflammatory, wound healing
- moisture-retaining, bio-adhesive
- bonding ability to proteins, heavy metals and aerosols
- polycationic, high charge density
- controlled release of active agents

from fungal origin
Chitosan fungal origin is Chitosan in the amino form, is linear polysaccharide composed of 2 repeating units randomly distributed along the polymer chain and linked by a or b(1-> 4) bonds: D-glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GLcNAc) units. Obtained by deacetylation (hydrolysis of N-acetyl groups) of chitin, it is built on a unique technological platform based on renewable fungal resources. The manufacturing process enables production of a range of extremely pure biopolymers.

Source and Process: naturally-sourced Chitosan, renewable, inexhaustible, traceable and constant quality source patented Technology, non-GMO, produced according to ISO and HACCP guidelines

Characteristics and benefits:
biodegradable, non-toxic, non-ecotoxic, non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic, non-allergenic

Chitosan fungal origin is a natural compound that can be used to enhance a variety of cosmetic products:
Suitable for natural cosmetic lines, odorless, pure, traceable of high and constant Quality, hypoallergenic

Properties: film forming, antimicrobial efficacy, moisturising, hair styling
B.M.P. Bulk Medicines & Pharmaceuticals GmbH Germany
Chitosan is available: from marine origin, carapace skin of crustaceans and also vegan.

Chitosan marin origin is modified from Chitin by the elimination of the N-Acetyl groups. The flexibility and versatility of Chitosan makes it to one of the premier biopolymers today, especially in skin and hair products. The molecular structure allows various modifications, such as water soluble and cross-linked derivatives.

Characteristics and benefits:
- natural, non-toxic
- biodegradable trough naturally occurring enzymes
- bacteriostatic, fungi static, deodorising
- film and fibre forming, cross-linking
- immobilisation of living organism
- anti-inflammatory, wound healing
- moisture-retaining, bio-adhesive
- bonding ability to proteins, heavy metals and aerosols
- polycationic, high charge density
- controlled release of active agents

from fungal origin
Chitosan fungal origin is Chitosan in the amino form, is linear polysaccharide composed of 2 repeating units randomly distributed along the polymer chain and linked by a or b(1-> 4) bonds: D-glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GLcNAc) units. Obtained by deacetylation (hydrolysis of N-acetyl groups) of chitin, it is built on a unique technological platform based on renewable fungal resources. The manufacturing process enables production of a range of extremely pure biopolymers.

Source and Process: naturally-sourced Chitosan, renewable, inexhaustible, traceable and constant quality source patented Technology, non-GMO, produced according to ISO and HACCP guidelines

Characteristics and benefits:
biodegradable, non-toxic, non-ecotoxic, non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic, non-allergenic

Chitosan fungal origin is a natural compound that can be used to enhance a variety of cosmetic products:
Suitable for natural cosmetic lines, odorless, pure, traceable of high and constant Quality, hypoallergenic

Properties: film forming, antimicrobial efficacy, moisturising, hair styling
Regent Science Industry Limited P.R.China
Chitosan is available: from marine origin, carapace skin of crustaceans and also vegan.

Chitosan marin origin is modified from Chitin by the elimination of the N-Acetyl groups. The flexibility and versatility of Chitosan makes it to one of the premier biopolymers today, especially in skin and hair products. The molecular structure allows various modifications, such as water soluble and cross-linked derivatives.

Characteristics and benefits:
- natural, non-toxic
- biodegradable trough naturally occurring enzymes
- bacteriostatic, fungi static, deodorising
- film and fibre forming, cross-linking
- immobilisation of living organism
- anti-inflammatory, wound healing
- moisture-retaining, bio-adhesive
- bonding ability to proteins, heavy metals and aerosols
- polycationic, high charge density
- controlled release of active agents

from fungal origin
Chitosan fungal origin is Chitosan in the amino form, is linear polysaccharide composed of 2 repeating units randomly distributed along the polymer chain and linked by a or b(1-> 4) bonds: D-glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GLcNAc) units. Obtained by deacetylation (hydrolysis of N-acetyl groups) of chitin, it is built on a unique technological platform based on renewable fungal resources. The manufacturing process enables production of a range of extremely pure biopolymers.

Source and Process: naturally-sourced Chitosan, renewable, inexhaustible, traceable and constant quality source patented Technology, non-GMO, produced according to ISO and HACCP guidelines

Characteristics and benefits:
biodegradable, non-toxic, non-ecotoxic, non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic, non-allergenic

Chitosan fungal origin is a natural compound that can be used to enhance a variety of cosmetic products:
Suitable for natural cosmetic lines, odorless, pure, traceable of high and constant Quality, hypoallergenic

Properties: film forming, antimicrobial efficacy, moisturising, hair styling
VMP Chemiekontor GmbH Germany
Chitosan is available: from marine origin, carapace skin of crustaceans and also vegan.

Chitosan marin origin is modified from Chitin by the elimination of the N-Acetyl groups. The flexibility and versatility of Chitosan makes it to one of the premier biopolymers today, especially in skin and hair products. The molecular structure allows various modifications, such as water soluble and cross-linked derivatives.

Characteristics and benefits:
- natural, non-toxic
- biodegradable trough naturally occurring enzymes
- bacteriostatic, fungi static, deodorising
- film and fibre forming, cross-linking
- immobilisation of living organism
- anti-inflammatory, wound healing
- moisture-retaining, bio-adhesive
- bonding ability to proteins, heavy metals and aerosols
- polycationic, high charge density
- controlled release of active agents

from fungal origin
Chitosan fungal origin is Chitosan in the amino form, is linear polysaccharide composed of 2 repeating units randomly distributed along the polymer chain and linked by a or b(1-> 4) bonds: D-glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GLcNAc) units. Obtained by deacetylation (hydrolysis of N-acetyl groups) of chitin, it is built on a unique technological platform based on renewable fungal resources. The manufacturing process enables production of a range of extremely pure biopolymers.

Source and Process: naturally-sourced Chitosan, renewable, inexhaustible, traceable and constant quality source patented Technology, non-GMO, produced according to ISO and HACCP guidelines

Characteristics and benefits:
biodegradable, non-toxic, non-ecotoxic, non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic, non-allergenic

Chitosan fungal origin is a natural compound that can be used to enhance a variety of cosmetic products:
Suitable for natural cosmetic lines, odorless, pure, traceable of high and constant Quality, hypoallergenic

Properties: film forming, antimicrobial efficacy, moisturising, hair styling
BASIC Industry Co., Ltd P.R.China
Chitosan is available: from marine origin, carapace skin of crustaceans and also vegan.

Chitosan marin origin is modified from Chitin by the elimination of the N-Acetyl groups. The flexibility and versatility of Chitosan makes it to one of the premier biopolymers today, especially in skin and hair products. The molecular structure allows various modifications, such as water soluble and cross-linked derivatives.

Characteristics and benefits:
- natural, non-toxic
- biodegradable trough naturally occurring enzymes
- bacteriostatic, fungi static, deodorising
- film and fibre forming, cross-linking
- immobilisation of living organism
- anti-inflammatory, wound healing
- moisture-retaining, bio-adhesive
- bonding ability to proteins, heavy metals and aerosols
- polycationic, high charge density
- controlled release of active agents

from fungal origin
Chitosan fungal origin is Chitosan in the amino form, is linear polysaccharide composed of 2 repeating units randomly distributed along the polymer chain and linked by a or b(1-> 4) bonds: D-glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GLcNAc) units. Obtained by deacetylation (hydrolysis of N-acetyl groups) of chitin, it is built on a unique technological platform based on renewable fungal resources. The manufacturing process enables production of a range of extremely pure biopolymers.

Source and Process: naturally-sourced Chitosan, renewable, inexhaustible, traceable and constant quality source patented Technology, non-GMO, produced according to ISO and HACCP guidelines

Characteristics and benefits:
biodegradable, non-toxic, non-ecotoxic, non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic, non-allergenic

Chitosan fungal origin is a natural compound that can be used to enhance a variety of cosmetic products:
Suitable for natural cosmetic lines, odorless, pure, traceable of high and constant Quality, hypoallergenic

Properties: film forming, antimicrobial efficacy, moisturising, hair styling
AXO Industry SA Belgium
Chitosan is available: from marine origin, carapace skin of crustaceans and also vegan.

Chitosan marin origin is modified from Chitin by the elimination of the N-Acetyl groups. The flexibility and versatility of Chitosan makes it to one of the premier biopolymers today, especially in skin and hair products. The molecular structure allows various modifications, such as water soluble and cross-linked derivatives.

Characteristics and benefits:
- natural, non-toxic
- biodegradable trough naturally occurring enzymes
- bacteriostatic, fungi static, deodorising
- film and fibre forming, cross-linking
- immobilisation of living organism
- anti-inflammatory, wound healing
- moisture-retaining, bio-adhesive
- bonding ability to proteins, heavy metals and aerosols
- polycationic, high charge density
- controlled release of active agents

from fungal origin
Chitosan fungal origin is Chitosan in the amino form, is linear polysaccharide composed of 2 repeating units randomly distributed along the polymer chain and linked by a or b(1-> 4) bonds: D-glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GLcNAc) units. Obtained by deacetylation (hydrolysis of N-acetyl groups) of chitin, it is built on a unique technological platform based on renewable fungal resources. The manufacturing process enables production of a range of extremely pure biopolymers.

Source and Process: naturally-sourced Chitosan, renewable, inexhaustible, traceable and constant quality source patented Technology, non-GMO, produced according to ISO and HACCP guidelines

Characteristics and benefits:
biodegradable, non-toxic, non-ecotoxic, non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic, non-allergenic

Chitosan fungal origin is a natural compound that can be used to enhance a variety of cosmetic products:
Suitable for natural cosmetic lines, odorless, pure, traceable of high and constant Quality, hypoallergenic

Properties: film forming, antimicrobial efficacy, moisturising, hair styling
Zouping Mingxing Chemical Co., Ltd. P.R.China
Chitosan is available: from marine origin, carapace skin of crustaceans and also vegan.

Chitosan marin origin is modified from Chitin by the elimination of the N-Acetyl groups. The flexibility and versatility of Chitosan makes it to one of the premier biopolymers today, especially in skin and hair products. The molecular structure allows various modifications, such as water soluble and cross-linked derivatives.

Characteristics and benefits:
- natural, non-toxic
- biodegradable trough naturally occurring enzymes
- bacteriostatic, fungi static, deodorising
- film and fibre forming, cross-linking
- immobilisation of living organism
- anti-inflammatory, wound healing
- moisture-retaining, bio-adhesive
- bonding ability to proteins, heavy metals and aerosols
- polycationic, high charge density
- controlled release of active agents

from fungal origin
Chitosan fungal origin is Chitosan in the amino form, is linear polysaccharide composed of 2 repeating units randomly distributed along the polymer chain and linked by a or b(1-> 4) bonds: D-glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GLcNAc) units. Obtained by deacetylation (hydrolysis of N-acetyl groups) of chitin, it is built on a unique technological platform based on renewable fungal resources. The manufacturing process enables production of a range of extremely pure biopolymers.

Source and Process: naturally-sourced Chitosan, renewable, inexhaustible, traceable and constant quality source patented Technology, non-GMO, produced according to ISO and HACCP guidelines

Characteristics and benefits:
biodegradable, non-toxic, non-ecotoxic, non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic, non-allergenic

Chitosan fungal origin is a natural compound that can be used to enhance a variety of cosmetic products:
Suitable for natural cosmetic lines, odorless, pure, traceable of high and constant Quality, hypoallergenic

Properties: film forming, antimicrobial efficacy, moisturising, hair styling
Senzhuo Industry Co.,Ltd P.R.China
Wuhan PharmChem Co., LTD. P.R.China
Create Chemical Co., Ltd. P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
OPQ Chemical Co., Ltd P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
X´ian Taicheng Chem Co., Ltd P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
Unilong Industry Co.,Ltd P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
Shandong Minglang Chemical Co., Ltd P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
Shandong Lanhai Industry Co.,Ltd. P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
Hangzhou Zhongqi Chem Co., Ltd P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
Lori Industry Co., Ltd P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
Zehao Industry Co., Ltd. P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
Hangzhou Lingrui Chemical Co., Ltd. P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
Skyrun Industrial Co., Ltd. P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
Nantong Xindao Biotech Ltd P.R.China
EINECS :618-480-0
Molecular formula :C6H11NO4X2
BOC Sciences USA
Shandong SanYoung Industry Co., Ltd P.R.China
Description :
Chitosan is a deacetylated derivative of chitin. Chitosan is a polysaccharide present in the exoskeleton of a variety of crustaceans and cell walls of fungi. It can be used in the medical field and cosmetics manufacturing. In addition to its role in drug delivery, chitosan can also act as an adjuvant due to its immune-stimulating activity. Chitosan stimulates the immune system by activating the NLRP3 inflammasome, which produces potent IL-1b. When tested in an experimental model of vaccination, chitosan elicits a balanced Th1/Th2 response.Nutritional supplement in health care products.
  • Molecular Weight :60-120 kDa
  • Melting Point :> 226°C (dec.)
  • Purity :DAC degree:90%+
Molecular Formula :
Solubility :
Soluble in 1M Acetic Acid (10 mg/ml); Insoluble in Water
Appearance :
White to Off-white Powder
Application :
Ingredient of health care products.
Storage : Store at 2-8°C
Synonyms :
Deacetylated chitin; Poly(D-glucosamine); Poly-b-(1,4)-2-Amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose; 2-Amino-2-deoxy-(1,4)-b-D-glucopyranan; deacetylchitin; b-1,4-poly-D-glucosamine; poly-D-glucosamine; poly-(1,4-b-D-glucopyranosamine)
More details are to be found here
Carbone Scientific Co., Ltd. U.K.
Description :
Chitosan is a deacetylated derivative of chitin. Chitosan is a polysaccharide present in the exoskeleton of a variety of crustaceans and cell walls of fungi. It can be used in the medical field and cosmetics manufacturing. In addition to its role in drug delivery, chitosan can also act as an adjuvant due to its immune-stimulating activity. Chitosan stimulates the immune system by activating the NLRP3 inflammasome, which produces potent IL-1b. When tested in an experimental model of vaccination, chitosan elicits a balanced Th1/Th2 response.Nutritional supplement in health care products.
  • Molecular Weight :60-120 kDa
  • Melting Point :> 226°C (dec.)
  • Purity :DAC degree:90%+
Molecular Formula :
Solubility :
Soluble in 1M Acetic Acid (10 mg/ml); Insoluble in Water
Appearance :
White to Off-white Powder
Application :
Ingredient of health care products.
Storage : Store at 2-8°C
Synonyms :
Deacetylated chitin; Poly(D-glucosamine); Poly-b-(1,4)-2-Amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose; 2-Amino-2-deoxy-(1,4)-b-D-glucopyranan; deacetylchitin; b-1,4-poly-D-glucosamine; poly-D-glucosamine; poly-(1,4-b-D-glucopyranosamine)
More details are to be found here
Autech Industry Co.,Limited P.R.China
Description :
Chitosan is a deacetylated derivative of chitin. Chitosan is a polysaccharide present in the exoskeleton of a variety of crustaceans and cell walls of fungi. It can be used in the medical field and cosmetics manufacturing. In addition to its role in drug delivery, chitosan can also act as an adjuvant due to its immune-stimulating activity. Chitosan stimulates the immune system by activating the NLRP3 inflammasome, which produces potent IL-1b. When tested in an experimental model of vaccination, chitosan elicits a balanced Th1/Th2 response.Nutritional supplement in health care products.
  • Molecular Weight :60-120 kDa
  • Melting Point :> 226°C (dec.)
  • Purity :DAC degree:90%+
Molecular Formula :
Solubility :
Soluble in 1M Acetic Acid (10 mg/ml); Insoluble in Water
Appearance :
White to Off-white Powder
Application :
Ingredient of health care products.
Storage : Store at 2-8°C
Synonyms :
Deacetylated chitin; Poly(D-glucosamine); Poly-b-(1,4)-2-Amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose; 2-Amino-2-deoxy-(1,4)-b-D-glucopyranan; deacetylchitin; b-1,4-poly-D-glucosamine; poly-D-glucosamine; poly-(1,4-b-D-glucopyranosamine)
More details are to be found here
BLD Pharmatech Ltd P.R.China
Xiamen Equation Chemical Co.,Ltd P.R.China
MDL Number:
Purity :
DAC> 95%
Available in stock:
58941 g
More details are to be found here
Chemlyte Solutions P.R.China
Chemos GmbH & Co. KG Germany

More details are to be found here
BuGuCh & Partners Germany

More details are to be found here
Primex EHF Iceland
Meck Pharmachem LLC USA
World. Chem. Co., Ltd. P.R.China
Application: Used as biopesticide, Antifungal and Antibacterial agent
Refine Chemical Co.,Ltd. P.R.China
Application: Used as biopesticide, Antifungal and Antibacterial agent
Wilke International, Inc. USA
Application: Used as biopesticide, Antifungal and Antibacterial agent
Barrington Chemical Corporation USA
Application: Used as biopesticide, Antifungal and Antibacterial agent
CBC (America) Corp. USA
Application: Used as biopesticide, Antifungal and Antibacterial agent
Application: Used as biopesticide, Antifungal and Antibacterial agent

Detailed information on the suppliers of Chitosan


... more properties and specification on Chitosan
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