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The following company is listed as a supplier or producer of chemicals

JSC Fine organic synthesis plant (Firm BARVA Ltd)

JSC Fine organic synthesis plant (Firm BARVA Ltd)
Galytska str. 58
77422 Yamnytsia, Tysmenytsia district,, Ukraine
Tel: +380 342 50 68 50

Fax: +380 342 50 68 52

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C Fine organic synthesis plant "Barva" specializes in surfactants production based on ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.

Over 80% of products are exported. The main market is EU countries. Significant volumes of products are exported to south-east Asia.

Most customers serve detergent, rubber, textile and cosmetic industries.

JSC "Barva" is the only company of its kind in Ukraine.

The company occupies a large area - about 140 hectares and has a well-developed infrastructure: own railway branch, railway tanks, a significant fleet of containers for storing of raw materials and finished products, domestic production of technical gases. Production is fully automated.

Based on years of experience our team is happy to provide professional advice and excellent service.
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