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The following company is listed as a supplier or producer of chemicals

Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC

Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC
P.O. Box 182400
Amman, 11118, Jordan
Tel: +962 6 5824222

Fax: +962 6 5817102

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Hikma is a multinational pharmaceutical group of companies producing high quality pharmaceuticals with operations in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA), Europe and the USA. Hikma has a long-standing history of leadership as a key player in the pharmaceutical market in the MENA region dating back to the seventies. Hikma has four major facilities that operate in its core area of business: Hikma Pharmaceuticals (Jordan), Hikma Farmaceutica (Portugal), West Ward (USA), and Jazeera Pharmaceutical Industries (Saudi Arabia). Hikma's globalization drive was crowned in 1995 when it became the first and only Arab pharmaceutical company to obtain the US FDA.
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ASM Research Chemcials

Sigma-Aldrich Chromatography

Hainan ZhongXin Chemical Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Mintchem

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