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The following company is listed as a supplier or producer of chemicals

Corbion Purac

Corbion Purac
P.O.Box 21
4200 AA Gorinchem, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 183 695 299

Fax: +31 183 695 648

About Corbion
Corbion is the global market leader in lactic acid, lactic acid derivatives and lactides, and a leading company in functional blends containing enzymes, emulsifiers, minerals and vitamins. The company delivers high performance biobased products made from renewable resources and applied in global markets such as bakery, meat, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, home and personal care, packaging, automotive, coatings and coating resins.
Corbion operates 10 production plants, in the USA, the Netherlands, Spain, Brazil and Thailand, and markets its products through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors.

Corbion in Pharma
For the pharmaceutical industry, Corbion Purac offers Lactic Acid, Lactic Acid derivatives and gluconic acid based mineral salts. Corbion Purac’s pharma products are produced under cGMP guidelines and comply with the highest quality standards demanded by the pharmaceutical industry.

Corbion in Chemical Industry
For chemical industry, Corbion Purac offers Lactic Acid and Lactic Acid derivatives like lactate esters, mineral and metal salts. Corbion Purac’s products are biodegradable and generally recognized as safe for human beings, animals and the environment. Lactic acid is an interesting ingredient that can be used to replace fossil based acids in a very wide range of applications e.g. agro chemicals, metal plating, textile and leather.

Corbion in Biomedicals
In support of implantable technologies as diverse as cardiovascular devices, orthopedic implants, tissue regeneration scaffolds, and wound management systems, we offer you a proven family of resorbable polymers – supported by years of expertise across everything from contract manufacturing to custom synthesis.

For more information please visit our website www.corbion.com
For regional contact details go to www.corbion.com/about-corbion/contact
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