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BGC > Region > North America and the Middle of America

Chemical industry in the North America and the Middle of America

Map about Chemical suppliers in USA


The United States in the North Americas comprises 50 states. The United States is the third largest country in the world both in terms of the surface and on the population.
The United States is one of the largest economies in the world. The American economy has a broad range of companies. The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of the United States form one of the major economic sectors, in addition to automotive, finance and trade. More than 1756 companies of the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry offer about yyy products through our service.

Map about Chemical suppliers in Canada


Canada is a country in North America. Measured at the soil surface is Canada's second largest country in the world and is one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
The industry and thus the chemical industry is Canada's largely determined by the primary production, so the primary economic sector. Canada is rich in natural resources. The large deposits of nickel and its breakdown cover about 20% of global demand. Canada has huge oil reserves, which serve as raw material for the Canadian chemical industry, which is listed with more than 111 companies. In addition to the great forests include sulfur, asbestos, aluminum, gold, lead, coal, copper, iron ore, potash, uranium and zinc to the raw values of Canada.

Map about Chemical suppliers in Mexico


Mexico is a federal republic in North America, covering 31 states and the capital district, Mexico City. Mexico's economy has been deregulated in recent years and greatly privatized. In the important field of chemical petrochemical industry reforms are still pending. Important raw material, which characterize the chemical industry in Mexico are Petroleum and mineral resources, including iron. More than 46 listed companies in the chemical industry mainly driven trade with North America, Europe and Asia.

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