www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Agriculture Green Zeolite
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Información sobre

Agriculture Green Zeolite

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Agriculture Green Zeolite Co. is an international company based in Amman, Jordan
(specialized in mining and producing natural zeolite) .

manufacturing zeolite-based mixes for agricultural and environmental application


Our mission is to conserve the precious water and protect the environment by providing our customers with environmentally friendly natural products for agricultural applications for both plants and animals


Our vision is to become the preeminent company in the field of environmentally friendly natural products for agricultural applications in Jordan and our region, contributing to research and development


Follows the national and international standards in all of the work activities. the safety regulations are strictly implemented we are committed to the regulations to protect and maintain the environment

Dirección Agriculture Green Zeolite
Mecca Street-Kilo Circle
Amman, Jordan
Telefono +962 (6) 5833007
Fax +962 (6) 5833007
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