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Información sobre

Alkaloids of Australia Pty Ltd.

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Alkaloids of Australia Pty Ltd is a locally owned and operated multi-million dollar investment in the extraction of natural alkaloids utilising dried leaf material harvested from the Duboisia plant. Duboisia, commonly known as ""Corkwood"" is an Australian native plant, the hybrid of which has been shown to have some three to four times the active content of the native species. Alkaloids of Australia processes leaf grown and dried on its own plantations and those of other qualified growers in the district. We then extract the alkaloids and convert them to the derivitives of Hyoscine (Scopolamine) meeting International requirements.

Dirección Alkaloids of Australia Pty Ltd.
P.O. Box 1278, Potts Point. NSW 2011
Sydney, Australia
Telefono + 61 2 9460 0188
Fax + 61 2 9460 0555
Enviar email
Homepage www.alkaloids.org

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