www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Synectic Corporation
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Información sobre

Synectic Corporation

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Synectic Corporation focuses on custom synthesis of small-volume organic chemicals, mostly for the pharmaceutical industry, and specializes in custom manufacture of organic compounds in the gram to multi-kilo range.

Synectic Corporation was established in 1988 to focus on custom synthesis of small-volume organic chemicals, mostly for the pharmaceutical industry.

Synectic has considerable expertise in the synthesis of Organoselenium compounds and in the synthesis of heterocycles, such as Thiazole and substituted Thiazoles, substituted Indoles and derivatives, substituted Imidazoles, Benzimidazoles, and Imidazolines, substituted Thiobarbituric acids, Isatins, Oxindoles Indazoles, Quinolines, Pyrimidines and Selenophenes.

Synectic is also working in the areas of Carbohydrates and Oligosacharides, Amino Acids (racemic and chiral), and chiral compounds by both asymmetric synthesis and by resolution.

New processes include catalytic methods for production of Ketones and Ketone derivatives.
Synectic Corporation ofrece 23 productos químicos. Puede ver la lista de productos

Dirección Synectic Corporation
P.0. Box 611
Nitro, WV, 25143, USA
Telefono +1-304-727-6796
Fax +1-304-727-6797
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