www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Univar Solutions
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Información sobre

Univar Solutions

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Univar has over a hundred years of experience in sourcing, managing and distributing chemicals.

Univar offers hundreds of raw materials that customers use in many applications and industries. Our acids, bases and salts are used to produce a large number of end-use products, such as household and industrial cleaning products, and in a wide range of industries including pharmaceutical, oil and gas and water treatment.

We believe that flexibility and speed are key to our customers so Univar offers different packaging options to fit your needs, including bulk, mini-bulk, IBC and drum.

We strictly adhere to European and local standards when packaging and storing regulated products and perform testing on all bulk Univar-stored and packaged products to provide the quality assurance you need.
Univar Solutions ofrece 9 productos químicos. Puede ver la lista de productos

Dirección Univar Solutions
Rue des Sablieres 1
B-7522 Tournai (Blandain), Belgium
Telefono +32-69-88 1000
Fax +32-69-88 1001
Enviar email
Contactar a Ms Elise Delforge

Su solicitud a Univar Solutions
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Producto deseado
* necesario
Número CAS
Cantidad (kg, tons) *     Pureza, calidad*
Fecha de entrega*    Lugar de destino *
Embalaje deseado, condiciones de pago y otros deseos.
... por favor, no olvide de añadir un cordial saludo.

Información sobre su empresa
Su nombre *
Nombre empresa *
Calle  *
Ciudad  *
País  *  e.g. USA, UK, China, Deutschland ...
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