www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a AAPPTec, LLC
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Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
AA Peptides, doing business as AAPPTec LLC, located in Louisville, KY, USA, is the only company that provides a complete line of peptide products ranging from automated peptide synthesizers to related laboratory equipment and high quality reagents designed to assist chemists in preparing and analyzing high quality peptides on research to semi-preparative and preparative scale.

In addition, AAPPTec provides all the technical information and instructions for each step of peptide synthesis and purification.

For those who prefer not to synthesize their own peptides, AAPPTec offers custom peptides in quantities from mg to kg, in purities from crude to 98% pure, all at an affordable price.

Dirección AAPPTec, LLC
6309 Shepherdsville Road
Louisville, KY 40228, USA
Telefono +1 502-968-2223
Fax +1 502-968-3338
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