www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a EPC Groupe
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Información sobre

EPC Groupe

Tipo de compañía: Productor
Producer of intermediates and speciality fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals & agrochemicals.

The EPC Groupe is one of the world’s leaders in explosives, demolition and drilling and blasting.
Founded in 1893 and headquartered in Paris, the EPC Groupe has for over 120 years, enjoyed a reputation for effective solutions, technological innovation and high-quality customer service.

With a turnover equalling 348 million euros, we produce in excess of 145,000 tonnes of explosives annually, and have forty subsidiaries in twenty countries around the world, with activities across Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

EPC-UK forms part of that presence, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the EPC Groupe.

Today, we manufacture and supply a range of commercial explosives and tailor-made services. Our customer base includes many leading names in mining, cement, aggregates, civil engineering and defence.
EPC Groupe ofrece 76 productos químicos. Puede ver la lista de productos

Dirección EPC Groupe
Great Oakley Works
Harwich, Essex, CO12 5JW, U.K.
Telefono +44-1255 887800
Fax +44-1255 887810
Enviar email
Contactar a Patrick Adins

Su solicitud a EPC Groupe
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