www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Anfrage / Mitteilung an Kowa American Corp.
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Informationen über

Kowa American Corp.

Firmenart: Großmengen Chemikalien Produzent
Kowa american is responsible for marketing specialty chemicals produced In Japan and Far East into the USA (and into Europe through Kowa Europe Gmbh). Japan is unique in that there are a variety of specialty chemical producers with very unique and specialized chemistries that are basically unknown to the USA and European chemical industries.
Our primary emphasis is to offer their existing commercial products (over 300 chemicals). We also welcome custom manufacturing inquiries that fit within each producer's specific areas of chemical expertise. Besides listing commercial readily available chemicals; we can detail the specific chemistries, processes, and capabilities of the companies we represent.

Adresse Kowa American Corp.
55 East 59th St., 19th Flr.
New York, NY, 10022, USA
Telefon +1-(212)303-7900
Fax +1-(212)310-0201
Kontaktperson Mr Randall Miller

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