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Быстрый просмотр: Поставщики
CAS No.:
attac6 | m5055 | strobane t | toxakil | pkhf | hercules 3956 | toxyphen | pcc | m 5055 | camphechlor | melipax | camphochlor | phenatox | pchk | pchk(insecticide) | alltex | 3956 | chlorinated camphene | polychlorocamphene | phenacide | motox | anatox | canfeclor | attac8 | toxaphen | alltox | estonox | kamfochlor | geniphene
Молекулярная масса:

Перечень поставщиков

Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.

Тип компании: Международный поставщик
Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. теперь предлагает более 140 000 специальных биохимических продуктов под нашим брендом ChemCruz ™. Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. сосредоточена на постоянной разработке исследовательских реагентов. Кроме того Ethyl (2-chlorobenzoyl)acetate поставляется нами. Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. является поставщиком для Toxaphene. Наша цель - продолжать предлагать самый широкий спектр реагентов в этой области. Мы также предоставляем превосходные инновационные первичные антитела и вспомогательные продукты. ...
страна: USA   телефон: +1 800-457-3802   факс: +1-831-457-3802


Точка кипения:
Точка возгорания:
4 °C
Температура плавления:
65 - 90 C
yellow waxy solid

Информация о безопасности

Confirmed carcinogen with experimental carcinogenic and tumorigenic data. Human poison by ingestion and possibly other routes. Experimental poison by ingestion, intraperitoneal, and possibly other routes. Moderately toxic experimentally by inhalation and skin contact. Human systemic effects by ingestion and skin contact: somnolence, convulsions or effect on seizure threshold, coma, and allergic skin dermatitis. A skin irritant; absorbed through the skin. Experimental teratogenic and reproductive effects. Human mutation data reported. Liver injury has been reported. Lethal amounts of toxaphene can enter the body through the mouth, lungs, and skin. Systemic absorption of the insecticide is increased by the presence of digestible oils, and liquid preparations of the insecticide, which penetrate the skin more readily than do dusts and wettable powders.A toxic mixture of organochlorine pesticides stored to some extent in body fat. It resembles chlordane and, to some extent, camphor in its physiological action. It causes diffuse stimulation of the brain and spinal cord resulting in generalized convulsions of a tonic or clonic character. Death usually results from respiratory failure. Detoxification appears to occur in the liver. The lethal ingestion dose for humans is estimated to be 2–7 g, a toxicity of about four times that of DDT. At least seven human deaths have been reported due to toxaphene, all in children. Two families have been made ill by eating vegetables containing a large residue of toxaphene. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Cl−.Analytical Methods: For occupational chemical analysis use NIOSH: Chlorinated Camphene S67.
Коды рисков:
21-25-37/38-40-50/53-67-65-38-11-36/37/38-39/23/24/25-23/24/25-51/53 (R)
Tempuratur храненияx:

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