www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Additiv-Chemie Luers GmbH
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Información sobre

Additiv-Chemie Luers GmbH

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Based on more than 60 years of experience Additiv-Chemie Luers is an independent medium scale German producer of additives for metalworking fluids and cleaners.
We are a performing and innovative partner of our German and international customers in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. The development of environmentally friendly products according to the latest technical standards and of maximum compliance with existing health regulations is our objective.

Our customer is the international chemical industry for lubricants, corrosion protection and cleaners.

Dirección Additiv-Chemie Luers GmbH
Brendelweg 164
27755 Delmenhorst, Germany
Telefono +49-4221-9263-0
Fax +49-4221-9263-33
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