www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Reagens Deutschland GmbH
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Información sobre

Reagens Deutschland GmbH

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Reagens Deutschland GmbH is a joint-venture company formed in October 2004 among Reagens Italy, Sun Ace Singapore and Shinagawa Chemical Industry Co., Japan.
The Company acquired this PVC stabiliser business from Cognis Gmbh.
With two manufacturing sites in Lohne and Loxstedt producing CaZn and Ca-organic stabilisers and their key intermediates we can offer our customers the widest range of products.

Dirección Reagens Deutschland GmbH
Am Wedenberg 1
27612 Loxstedt, Germany
Telefono +49 - 4744 - 928 173
Fax +49 - 4744 - 928 190
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