www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Imlitex Industry, UAB (previous UAB Ekochema)
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Información sobre

Imlitex Industry, UAB (previous UAB Ekochema)

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
22 years ago, under the name JSC ´Ekochema´, having started our activities from the import of alkalis, acids and calcined soda, in 2016 we became UAB ´Imlitex Industry´ and currently we carry out imports from 17 countries of the world, transporting raw materials and materials of >800 names, which we supply enterprises of all, without exception, industrial types. We are the largest supplier of chemical raw materials in the Baltic States

Dirección Imlitex Industry, UAB (previous UAB Ekochema)
Europos ave. 124
LT-46351 Kaunas, Lithuania
Telefono +370 37 215057
Fax +370 37 215056
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