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Información sobre

ACCI Specialty Materials, AC Catalysts

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
A&C Catalysts is an ISO 9001 certified leading manufacturer and supplier of epoxy resins, curing agents, imidazoles and dihydrazides. Our products are distinctive for their exceptional flexibility, toughness and long storage life. For superior adhesion, long pot life, greater reactivity at lower temperatures, and easy dispersion, look no further than A&C Catalysts' toughened epoxies, latent curing agents and accelerators. Our catalogue of products is the most diverse and complete in the industry. Not only do we represent Ajinomoto Co., a leading manufacturer of specialty epoxy curing agents and latent curing agents, our own cutting edge proprietary formulas enhance our ability to meet your specific needs. Whatever the requirements of your job, A&C Catalysts has the cure!

Dirección ACCI Specialty Materials, AC Catalysts
1600 W Blancke St
Linden, NJ-07036, USA
Telefono +1 908-474-9393
Fax +1 908.636.2273
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