www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Alquisa Industria Quimica e Petroquimica
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Información sobre

Alquisa Industria Quimica e Petroquimica

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Alquisa Chemical and Petrochemical Industry has been working at the national and imported chemical products segment. It has been looking forward to attend a multi segmented market and it has recognized the importance of quality for its products and services. The company has also tried to preserve the environment and guarantee its employees health, security and rights.

Dirección Alquisa Industria Quimica e Petroquimica
Dr Oswaldo Oliveira Silveira # 644
Bairro Distrito Industrial, Brazil
Telefono +55-19-36241261
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Su solicitud a Alquisa Industria Quimica e Petroquimica
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