www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Auriquimica
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Información sobre


Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Established in 1985, is a company specializing in the distribution and marketing of raw materials for various segments of the chemical industry, mainly for the rubber, plastic and adhesive industries.

The quality of our products is related to our partnership with major suppliers such as Bayer, Buschle & Lepper, Dow, Dow Corning, Dupont Performance Elastomers, Lanxess, Rhein Chemie, Xiameter, which are associated with our services ensuring reliable and competent distribution.

Our service is distinguished by providing technical and commercial support, through specialized professionals, always on hand to assist in new developments and applications according to the needs of the market, seeking solutions and improvements in the processes of our clients.

Certified under ISO 9001: 2008, we provide security regarding the products and services provided, thus solidifying the quality of service in search of our customers' satisfaction.

Dirección Auriquimica
Avenida Henry Ford, 1980
São Paulo - SP, 03109-000, Brazil
Telefono +55 11 2066 - 5600
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