www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Samyang Genex Corporation
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Información sobre

Samyang Genex Corporation

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Paclitaxel; We have succeeded for the first time in the world in mass-producing paclitaxel by using our proprietary plant cell culture technology. Our Taxus chinensis, a unique plant cell line for the production of Genexol, is the most productive natural cell line known. This process gives many benefits including avoidance of the desolation of yew trees, purifying at greater than 99.5%, producing with consistency and reliability, and not compromising on quality control.

Dirección Samyang Genex Corporation
263 Yeonji Dong ChongGu
Seoul, 110 725, South Korea
Telefono +82 2 7407914
Fax +82 2 7407907
Enviar email
Homepage www.samyangcorp.com

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