www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a New Japan Chemical Co., Ltd.
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Información sobre

New Japan Chemical Co., Ltd.

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
New Japan Chemical began operations in 1919 with the production and sales of Oxygen and Hydrogen. For almost eight decades our company has grown hand in hand with Japanese chemi-cal industry. In our early days New Japan Chemical was a pioneer in hydrogenation technology. The company has explored in countless new areas since then, introducing numerous kinds of derivatives and developing advanced technologies for high-pressure reactions, organic synthesis and oxidation reactions. Part of New Japan Chemical's reputation as a leader in the field comes from our success at integrating fat and oil chemical technology with petrochemistry.

Dirección New Japan Chemical Co., Ltd.
1-8, 2-Chome, Bingo Machi, Chuo-Ku
Osaka, 541 0051, Japan
Telefono +81 6 62033964
Fax +81 6 62027784
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