www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Jetpharma Sa - Company of Jetpharma Group
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Información sobre

Jetpharma Sa - Company of Jetpharma Group

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
JETPHARMA SA is the headquarters of JETPHARMA Group, who offers fully cGMPs compliant CONTRACT MICRONIZATION SERVICES for API and HPAIs. Since 40 years JETPHARMA has been focusing its efforts to be the most reliable, complete partner with the highest Quality System in the field of MICRONIZATION and CONTAINMENT TECHNOLOGIES. JETPHARMA offers different contract micronization services for API, for HPAIs in its own Glove Box, in cryogenic conditions, and for very small R&D batches in its site in Switzerland, JETPHARMA is regularly inspected by the FDA since 1995, ISO 9001:2000 certified and Swissmedic licensed. JETPHARMA GROUP is the main worldwide user-manufacturer of fluid jet mills.

Dirección Jetpharma Sa - Company of Jetpharma Group
Via Sottobisio 42 a/c
Balerna, 6828, Switzerland
Telefono +41 91 6961010
Fax +41 91 6961030
Enviar email
Homepage www.jetpharmagroup.com

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