www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a CPH Pharma B.V. (Chemie Pharmacie Holland BV)
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Información sobre

CPH Pharma B.V. (Chemie Pharmacie Holland BV)

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
CPH has, for over 40 years, been active in the pharmaceutical and chemical markets, closely cooperating with leading manufacturers in marketing their products. Through local offices and exclusive representatives in Moscow, Ljubljana, Sofia, Warsaw, Belgrade, Tashkent and Tbilisi, CPH is known as a knowledgeable and reliable partner, specialized in central and eastern Europe. Its activities are worldwide, not limited to these locations only. Pharmaceutical products available through CPH include a highly sophisticated range of API's (also together with regulatory support), trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride, and stable isotopes for research. Other products are also available for alternative industries and applications.

Dirección CPH Pharma B.V. (Chemie Pharmacie Holland BV)
Monitorweg 1
1322 BJ Almere, The Netherlands
Telefono +31 88 7990100
Fax +31 88 7990101
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