www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Archid SA
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Información sobre

Archid SA

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Our company is founded in 1999 in Switzerland. We are an international trading company focused in the Fine Chemical business. We are mainly offering Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), but also Intermediates for pharmaceutical purposes. All our manufacturing partners are following the highest quality and safety standards, according to the cGMP rules. The facilities are US FDA approved. Currently we are offering, among others, a range of products of the "triptanes" family. Please let us have your inquiry.

Dirección Archid SA
Centro Galleria 1, Via Cantonale
Manno, 6928, Switzerland
Telefono +41 91 6108120
Fax +41 91 6108121
Enviar email
Homepage www.archid.com

Su solicitud a Archid SA
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