www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Angelini Acraf Spa
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Información sobre

Angelini Acraf Spa

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Angelini Fine Chemicals is a highly technological and efficient organisation with skilled staff in process development, analytical research and large and small volume manufacturing of pharmaceutical active ingredients. Adherence to the highest quality and safety standards and full GMP compliance are current practice at the Angelini FDA approved facilities in Italy and Spain. Angelini facilities are equipped with stainless steel and glass-lined reactors, centrifuges and filters, fluid bed and vacuum dryers, jet mills, fully closed solvent delivery reactors, waste water treatment, modern development and analytical laboratories. Products: bulk actives and advanced intermediates. Services: process development, custom synthesis and contract manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.

Dirección Angelini Acraf Spa
Via Guardapasso 1
Aprilia (LT), 04011, Italy
Telefono +39 06 92040234
Fax +39 06 92040252
Enviar email
Homepage www.angelinifinechemicals.com

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