www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Brown Chemical Co. Inc.
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Información sobre

Brown Chemical Co. Inc.

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Brown Chemical was founded in 1936 by William Brown. The original site, which the company still uses today, was located in northeastern New Jersey on Warren Street in Paterson, the center of what was then a strong textile mill market segment. The company primarily serviced the northern New Jersey area and had a somewhat limited product line and customer base. After World War Two the Company had become well established in the growing textile trade in all of North Jersey and was looking to expand distribution of its products into additional markets, such as the chemical manufacturing and metal treating industries springing up in New Jersey. The Founder, William Brown, passed away in the year of 1955 and was succeeded by Arthur Brown. Under Art Brown's leadership the company continued to grow and invest in new marketplaces. Brown Chemical began to actively pursue additional marketplaces for its products - specialty chemical manufacturing, industrial and institutional cleaners, pigments and dyestuffs. Brown also increased its size and marketing areas to coincide with these additional industries.
Brown Chemical Co. Inc. ofrece 26 productos químicos. Puede ver la lista de productos

Dirección Brown Chemical Co. Inc.
302 West Oakland Av., PO Box 440
Oakland, NJ, 07436, USA
Telefono +1-(201)337-0900
Fax +1-(201)337-9026
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