www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Budenheim Ibérica SL
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Información sobre

Budenheim Ibérica SL

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
The Spanish Budenheim sister located in La Zaida has been a member of the Budenheim Group since 1996 and is the only flame retardant manufacturer specialised in halogen-free flame retardants. These are based on anorganic phosphorus compounds and do not leave any toxic residues. Thus, they offer a maximum of protection, not only during but also in case of a fire.
At the production site with its 150,000 sqm more than 100 different and mainly custom-made products are developed and manufactured. The integration of innovative impulses in the development of products, excellent quality standards, and production according to ISO 14.001:2005 are a matter of course.
Safety, health and environmental protection - Budenheim Ibérica proves that "green chemistry" is more than just a well-meant buzzword.

Dirección Budenheim Ibérica SL
Arrabal - Ant Cl Arrabal
S/N 50784 La Zaida, Spain
Telefono +34 976 17 84 12
Fax +34 976 17 87 51
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Contactar a Ms Veli Fernandez

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