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The following company is listed as a supplier or producer of chemicals

Suzhou Advshine Biopharm Co Ltd

Suzhou Advshine Biopharm Co Ltd
125 Binhe Road, Suzhou New & Hi-Tech District
Suzhou, P.R.China
Tel: +86 512 68246939

Fax: +86 512 68258994

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We are one research based New & Hi-Tech custom synthesis manufacturer headquartered in Suzhou, China, leaded by three PhD founders in line of Biological Stains, Dyes and Indicators, Diagnostic Reagents, Biochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Specialty Chemicals. Since its foundation in 1998, we have been offering a wide range of custom manufacturing services from pilot scale process development to commercial scale manufacturing on a partnership basis. SUZHOU ADVSHINE BIOPHARM CO LTD produces high-performance Biological Stains, Dyes and Indicators, Diagnostic Reagents, Biochemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Specialty Chemicals for the world of industrial, biological, pharmaceutical, agricultural, electronic, textile, flavor and fragrance and coatings applications, by applying its proprietary design technology and rapid synthesis capabilities to accelerate the discovery process for new both large and small molecule compounds/drugs. The company believes its approach offers pharmaceutical, biotechnology and agrochemical companies the opportunity to conduct their discovery efforts in a more productive and cost effective manner. Since 2000 we have been committed as the New & Hi-Tech Enterprise of Jiangsu Province by the Science and Technology Committee of Jiangsu Province, China.
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