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Shandong Changsheng New Flame Retardant Co., Ltd

rating stars Ø 2 | 2 reviews at all | 1 displayed

Shandong Changsheng New Flame Retardant Co., Ltd
Sales Dept.
X028 Antou Town, Qihe County
Dezhou city, Shandong 25111, P.R.China
Tel: +86 531-68858132

Fax: +86 531-68858132

Date: 2020/09/25
The company "Shandong Changsheng New Flame Retardant" cut its business communication during the COV19 Pandemic

Shandong Changsheng New Flame Retardant Co., Ltd specializes in exploring and manufacturing halogen-free flame retardant additives and products. There are two factories, located in Linyi city, Lanling county and Dezhou city, Qihe county.

Shandong Changsheng New Flame Retardant Co., Ltd is near the Yellow river, only 30km from Jinan, it is conveniently situated next to the Jinan high-speed railway station and Jinghu express highway. The whole factory covers an area of 30000 square meters, including construction area of 7000 square meters. The total number of employees is 80, including 18 professional technicists, 3 senior engineers and 9 engineers. With the Strong production capacity, excellent R&D ability and 10 years’ experiences in this industry, we can make the most suitable formulation for our customers.

Our products include Ammonium Polyphosphate Phase II, Phase I; Melamine Coated APP II; Silane Coated APP II; liquid APP; agricultural use APP, MCA and flame retardant additives for woods and textiles. The end users are from all kinds of industries: non-woven fabrics, filter papers, fire retardant paints, agriculture, plastics, rubbers and building materials. Products are exported to Europe, America, Asia and other countries.

We will continually develop healthy, safe and environmental flame retardant additives in the future, and work together to provide super-quality products with our best service based on perfect management to our customers from the entire world.


16 products are associated with Shandong Changsheng New Flame Retardant Co., Ltd. However, these products are not verified and are therefore not verified in our product search. For this reason, product questions to this company are not available.


rating No Contact
from: Germany on: 1st October 2020
" Unfortunately, we have not been able to contact the company for a few weeks. Although we had good and lively contact beforehand. We have no idea whether this is currently related to COV epidemic " (Verified member)
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