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The following company is listed as a supplier or producer of chemicals

Hunan Chemapi Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

Hunan Chemapi Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
1004, Building 3, Wanke Jinsemaitianyuan, 498 Guitang Road, Yuhua Dist
Changsha City, Hunan Province, P.R.China
Tel: +86 18602659358

Fax: +86 731 89714511

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Hunan Chemapi Biological Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional technology company that engages in researching, developing and manufacturing APIs and intermediates. It was recognized as high-tech enterprise in 2017,and a small giant of technological innovation in Changsha.The company is founded by senior engineers and engineer teams with rich experience in chemical and pharmaceutical industries and it mainly engages in researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing APIs, pharmaceutical intermediates, and fine chemicals, and in import and export business in related fields.

The company is situated in Changsha City, Hunan Province, China. Based on perfect laboratory in Changsha City, pilot and tonnage-class production base in Yueyang City, and cooperation relations with a large number of well-known pharmaceutical enterprises in China, the company is capable of preparing products from gram grade to ton grade efficiently. Chemapi has abundant experience in researching, developing and manufacturing antitumor drugs, antipsychotics, carbapenem drugs, steride drugs, and pharmaceutical intermediates with strong competitive power in aspects of technology and quality.

Hunan Chemapi Biological Technology Co., Ltd. would like to cooperate with clients for achieving continuous fast development based on tenet of honest operation and mutual benefit.

Main products are temozolomide and its intermediate, meropenem and its intermediate, ertapenem and its intermediate, biapenem and its intermediate. The output of temozolomide is 3-5T/A,AICA is 18T/A; biapenem is 1-2T/A; meropenem side chain is 10-15T/month.
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