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The following company is listed as a supplier or producer of chemicals

Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals LLC

Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals LLC
PO Box 40350
Denver, CO 80204-0350, USA
Tel: +1-(303) 937-7482

Fax: +1-(303) 936-3989

AkzoNobel continues to develop its position as the global leader in MCA with interregional supply capabilities. The state-of-the-art world scale plant in Delfzijl, the Netherlands was commissioned in 2006 and forms the backbone for its European supply. The plant began with a capacity of 70,000 Mt/year and is continuously being expanded in order to meet customer demand. The design allows for cost effective expansion to a level beyond 100,000 Mt/year and additional investments are being made to ensure the continuation of high supply reliability.

In 2008, AkzoNobel announced that it would increase its Chinese production facility to 60,000 Mt/year, the largest plant of its kind within the People’s Republic of China. This additional capacity comes on stream in October this year and will be used to serve the rapid growth of its customer base in China and beyond. The Lemoyne plant (USA) will continue to serve customers in the Americas and AkzoNobel’s global MCA network is completed by Denak, a 50/50 joint venture between AkzoNobel and Denki Kagaku Kogyo K.K., with a plant in Ohmi (Japan).
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ASM Research Chemcials

Sigma-Aldrich Chromatography

Hainan ZhongXin Chemical Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Mintchem

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