www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Anfrage / Mitteilung an Arakato Development Ltd
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Arakato Development Ltd

Firmenart: Hersteller
ARAKATO is composed of biochemical professionals from Japan, Korea, India and China. The company is committed to providing the world's leading raw materials and products for the market. At present, the products developed and manufactured are mainly used in life sciences, health care and materials sciences. All our businesses are based on strong R&D capabilities, keen insight and efficient operation. Our globalization benefits from our global layout, including R&D centers and testing institutes in Japan, Korea and Switzerland, and production bases invested in China, India and Vietnam.Our services include confidential R&D and production, fast global supply and convenient international payment.We are ready and look forward to win-win cooperation with you.

Adresse Arakato Development Ltd
Sales Department
23F Golden Sun Bonham Strand West Sheung Wan
Hongkong, Hong Kong
Telefon +86 181 6873 3713
Fax +86 181 6873 3713
Kontaktperson Mr George

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