www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Anfrage / Mitteilung an Ring Specialty Chemicals Inc.
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Informationen über
Logo of Ring Specialty Chemicals Inc.

Ring Specialty Chemicals Inc.

Firmenart: Lieferant
Ring Specialty Chemicals was founded in 2007 in Toronto and has grown into an international supplier of organic and inorganic chemicals for a number of industries, such as, Agrochemicals for crop protections, paints and coating, oil and Gas and water treatment. Our major products are Methallyl Alcohol, Methallyl chloride, Sodium Methallyl Sulfonate, Diglycolamine, Isopropyl alcohol and so on.

Adresse Ring Specialty Chemicals Inc.
11 Cidermill Ave., Unit 7
Vaughan, ON, L4K 4B6, Canada
Telefon +1 416 493 6870
Fax +1 416 499 9759

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