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Informationen über

Dar Essaydali

Firmenart: Großmengen Chemikalien Produzent
Dar Essaydali is part of the Tunisian Jasminal group. The company is involved in the manufacture, marketing and distribution of dosage form pharmaceutical products for human and veterinary use. Dar Essaydali is a fast growing producer of dosage form drugs in Tunisia and it has a good position on the domestic market. Dar Essaydali is also involved in custom manufacturing of dosage forms and in the development of novel dosage forms. The product range includes a wide range of dosage forms for a variety of applications.

Adresse Dar Essaydali
Rue Commandant Bjaoui
Sfax, Tunisia
Telefon +216 74 228001
Fax +216 74 296041
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