www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Anfrage / Mitteilung an Perekop bromine
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Informationen über

Perekop bromine

Firmenart: Hersteller
Open Joint-Stock Company ?BROM? is the sole enterprise in Ukraine specializing in production of bromine and bromine derivatives. The
enterprise has been successfully functioning for more than 70 years, having its share in the world bromine production. Supplies are executed to such countries as China, India, Spain, Poland, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, etc.

We are proud of such advantages as:

- High quality of products (used in pharmaceutical and military

- Competitive prices and payment conditions to other market operators;

- Technical service;

- Various packaging;

- Supply possibility to client demands.
Perekop bromine bietet 2 Chemikalien an. Einsicht auf die Produktliste nehmen

Adresse Perekop bromine
Laboratornaya Street, 45
49010, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Telefon +380 562 33-49-19 / 0562 33-49-29
Fax +380 562 32 41 92
Email senden
Kontaktperson Ms Irina Shapoval

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