www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Anfrage / Mitteilung an CM Fine Chemicals
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Informationen über
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CM Fine Chemicals

Firmenart: Hersteller
CM Fine Chemicals, being a privately owned Swiss company, has been manufacturing and providing fine chemicals, intermediates and reagents to all kind of industries and research organizations all over the world.

Since 1997 our high quality fine chemicals are used from lab to commercial quantities in many different applications.

We are your innovative, flexible and reliable partner for any hard-to-find molecule!

Whether a complex compound or just hard-to-find - we can supply a cost effective material with a high sustainable quality.

Some of our strong product groups are:
- Alcohols
- Aldehydes
- Amines
- Aromatics
- Boronic acids
- Botanical extracts
- Carboxylic acids
- Chiral compounds
- Fluorinated compounds
- Heterocyclics
- Nitriles
- Ketones
- Phosphorus compounds

Adresse CM Fine Chemicals
c/o Connect Marketing GMBH
Bahnweg Nord 35
CH-9475 Sevelen / SG, Switzerland

Ihre Anfrage an CM Fine Chemicals
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Das gewünschte Produkt
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CAS-Nummer     EINECS
Menge (kg, tons) *     Reinheit *
Liefertermin*     Bestimmungsort*
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