www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Anfrage / Mitteilung an Chemos GmbH & Co. KG
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Chemos GmbH & Co. KG

Firmenart: Lieferant von chemischen Produkten
Chemos® is a leading supplier of ready to use solutions for the lab and chemical industry. We are producing reagents and standards for the analytical lab and supplying raw materials for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The base of our solutions are a portfolio of ~ 200.000 raw materials where ~ 50.000 are already available for R+D ready to order in our shop. We are supplying and producing lab quantities from tiny quantities up to 100 metric tons for worldwide shipping.

We are the specialist when you require complete new raw materials or hard to find products with a dedicated specification. Through our network of custom manufacturing companies and our own customizing capabilities, we could offer raw materials and ready to use solutions as requested. Our extended service portfolio around product supply and documentation like safety data sheet service is a unique combination and our offer to you.

Chemos® Solutions through service is the base of our activities. We are a service provider with manufacturing capabilities. We continue where other will stop since more than 24 years. Take advantage from our experience and contact us.

Chemos® is a registered trademark of Chemos GmbH&Co.KG.
Chemos GmbH & Co. KG bietet wettbewerbsfähige Chemikalien an.

Adresse Chemos GmbH & Co. KG
Sonnenring 7
84032 Altdorf, Germany
Telefon +49-871-966346-0
Fax +49-871-966346-13
Email senden
Homepage www.chemos.de

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