www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Anfrage / Mitteilung an Conscientia Industrial Co., Ltd (Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical)
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Logo of Conscientia Industrial Co., Ltd (Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical)

Conscientia Industrial Co., Ltd (Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical)

Firmenart: Hersteller
Conscientia Industrial Co Ltd is a Chinese pharmaceutical company, mainly developing, manufacturing APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients), intermediates and fine chemicals for both human and veterinary health.

We have state-of-the-art plants with over 300 tons annual production capacity. And after years' efforts, we have developed various categories of APIs and intermediates.

Our API quality conforms to USP, BP, EP, JP, CP specifications, which is well accepted by customers worldwide.

In addition, we have chemistry Ph.D team to provide CRO, CMO services.

The products and services from Conscientia Industrial always mean quality and responsibility.

Conscientia Industrial is always keen to work with every customer for win-win business.

Product categories of Conscientia Industrial:

01) Steroid Hormone API
02) Male Sex Hormone API
03) Female Hormone API
04) Veterinary API
05) Anti-virus API
06) Anti-tumor API
07) Anti-cancer API
08) Anaesthetic API
09) Anti-diabetic API
10) Epinephrine API
11) Prostaglandin API
12) Sex Enhancement API
13) SARM Products
14) Peptide Products
15) Nootropic Products
16) Biological Products
17) Plant Extract Products
18) Healthcare Supplement Products
19) Related Intermediates and Fine Chemicals
20) Custom Synthesis & Contract Manufacturing

Why choose Conscientia Industrial:

01) State-of-the-art plants to manufacture products
02) R&D scale to commercial scale for demand products
03) Professional QC & QA to guarantee products qualified
04) Experienced R&D team to develop and optimize products
05) Passionate sales team to serve customers timely and sincerely
06) Flexible repacking services to meet various packaging requests
07) Win-Win business policy to bring more benefits to every customer

We are supplying both regular stock products and customized products. Thus, for any product inquiry, the more details you provide, the faster we can respond to your requests.

Adresse Conscientia Industrial Co., Ltd (Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical)
Xianju Industrial Park
Taizhou, P.R.China
Telefon +86 170 9858 0209
Fax +86 170 9858 0209
Kontaktperson Ms.Wei (Sales Manager)

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