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Vivify Specialty Ingredients (previous Aakash Chemicals)

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Vivify Specialty Ingredients was founded in 1977 as a distributor of dyes for the global textile market. Over the years Aakash Chemicals has continued to invest in its business to achieve record year on year growth, while constantly innovating into new product lines.
Vivify Specialty Ingredients (previous Aakash Chemicals) ofrece 750 productos químicos. Puede ver la lista de productos

Dirección Vivify Specialty Ingredients (previous Aakash Chemicals)
561 Mitchell Road
Glendale Heights, USA
Telefono +1 630-469-3838
Fax +1 630-469-2255
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Contactar a Mr Shaun Mueller

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