AK Scientific, Inc.
Union City, CA 94587 USA |
AK Scientific, Inc. |
is a | producer | and | supplier | of chemicals. This listing includes 20997 products. |
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Click the line at a product and you will get the email form to send an inquiry. |
Product names |
CAS numbers |
Information on AK Scientific, Inc. |
AK Scientific provides fine chemicals and advanced intermediates to our customers worldwide. Currently, we have over 16.000 in stock, ready to ship products, at our California warehouse and this number is increasing weekly. All these products are stocked in multiple, convenient, sizes to fit your specific needs. Purchases are shipped on the same day your order is placed (before 4PM, Pacific Time) to ensure on-time delivery.
AK Scientific products can be searched by Name (or partial name, keyword), Catalog, CAS, and MFCD# on the website. Our website is updated frequently to add new products and to incorporate customer feedback.
Aside from product packaging and pricing, the AK Scientific website provides additional information, such as physical properties and safety advice.
We are committed to keeping all our products in stock for immediate delivery.
Bulk Products
The majority of our products are available in bulk quantities. Inquiries for larger amounts are always welcome.
On time delivery, Competitive prices, Guaranteed quality, Real-time project communication.