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Kovohuty, A.S.

Metals Management
05342 Krompachy

Kovohuty, A.S.
is a




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Information on Kovohuty, A.S.

First of all we would like to introduce briefly our new company KOVOHUTY a. s., that we have established at old KOVOHUTY KROMPACHY a. s. site. In 1937 a production of copper was founded in Krompachy in the plant of former iron works. This production was ceased during the WW II and started again in 1951. KOVOHUTY KROMPACHY became the major producer and supplier of high grade copper cathodes in the territory of former Czechoslovakia.

Main final products of the company are:- copper wire dia. 8 mm, annual production of 30, 000 tons- zinc sulfate- heptahydrate, annual production of 2,000 tons

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