www.BuyersGuideChem.com - company information on Medis Ehf.
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Information on

Medis Ehf.

MEDIS was established in 1985 to handle the export of products and intellectual property for the Icelandic pharmaceutical manufacturer DELTA. In 2002 DELTA merged with PHARMACO, an Icelandic company founded in 1956 with pharmaceutical interests in Bulgaria. Following the merger MEDIS strengthen its role of handling sales to other pharmaceutical companies having more R&D and manufacturing capacity behind it. The vast professional knowledge of MEDIS and experience in the export of generic pharmaceutical products has contributed to the group's success on the international market. Today MEDIS handles export of its products into most EU countries and has Marketing Authorisations in over 20 countries.

Address Medis Ehf.
Reykjavikurvegur 78
Hafnarfjordur, 220, Iceland
Phone +354 550 3300
Fax +354 550 3301
send an inquiry
Sales contact Ms Anna Sigridur Blondal
Homepage www.medis.is

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