www.BuyersGuideChem.com - company information on Química Amtex S.A.
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Information on

Química Amtex S.A.

The Amtex group is the largest producer of sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in Latin America. It operates three production plants located in Colombia, Mexico and Argentina, and has commercial representatives and offices in almost every country in the Americas. Additionally, the Amtex group produces a wide variety of textile gluing, as well as several resins used in the textile, detergents and paper industries, among others

Address Química Amtex S.A.
Carrera 51 No. 13-66
Medellin, Colombia
Phone +574 - 265 69 11
Fax +574 - 265 72 52 / 265 7974
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