www.BuyersGuideChem.com - company information on LŽAir Liquide Belge S.A.
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Information on

LŽAir Liquide Belge S.A.

Market leader in gases, technologies and services for the healthcare industry et

Safety, quality, reliability and service are the pillars of our commercial cooperation. Our 1,200 employees in the UK work daily to satisfy our customers. Our organization caters to all the needs of industrial gas.

A wide range that allows you to choose custom

A wide variety of equipment for the construction of the most adapted installation.

A service that fits your needs perfectly.
LŽAir Liquide Belge S.A. offers 43 chemical products. You can view the product list

Address LŽAir Liquide Belge S.A.
Parc d'affaires Zénobe Gramme
Quai Des Vennes 8
B-4020 Liege, Belgium
Phone +32-4-349 8989
Fax +32-4-341 2070
send an inquiry
Sales contact Mr Diederick Luijten

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