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Solvay Chemicals

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Solvay Chemicals, and its subsidiary Solvay Fluorides, LLC, are part of the Solvay Group, the leading global producer of hydrogen peroxide, soda ash, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium percarbonate. In markets ranging from glass manufacturing, pulp & paper bleaching, and agricultural, to automotive, environmental, food and drink, air pollution applications and more, we offer products and services to the NAFTA region with one of the most diversified chemicals portfolios in North America today.

Dirección Solvay Chemicals
3737 Buffalo Speedway, Suite 800
Houston, TX 77098, USA
Telefono +1-713-525-6810
Fax +1-713-525-4012
Homepage www.solvay.com

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