www.BuyersGuideChem.com - company information on Enat INTERNATIONAL S.A. de C.V.
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Information on


ENAT INTERNATIONAL with forty years experience in toll processing of extracts for internationally based nutraceutical and pharmaceutical end-providers does it all.

We seamlessly develop your required end product from laboratory through pilot to full production phases in a confidential setting that draws upon our extensive experience. From 10 grams to 500,000 kg the unique requirements of your project receive expert attention with an economy of time and cost.

Our talent is finding the best way to a better quality, lower cost end product and with an eye to regulatory requirements worldwide such as Kosher/Halal upon request, GMP Protocols and ISO 2200 – 2018 Certification.

ENAT INTERNATIONAL, is strategically located in the heart for Mexico with easy access to Laredo, Texas, and to the Pacific Ocean ports.

Address Enat INTERNATIONAL S.A. de C.V.
Carretera Federal Km. 320 Carretera Panamericana Tramo Salamanca-
Irapuato, 38860 Salamanca, Gto., Mexico
Phone +52 464 647 1556 / +52 464 656 0339
Fax +52 464 647 1556
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